Cast & Crew :
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writers : Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan
Story: Christopher Nolan & David S . GoyerProducers : Christopher Nolan , Emma Thomas & Charles Roven
Music : Hans Zimmer & James Norton Howard
I had gone for 'The Dark Knight' without any expectations. But within 5 minutes into the movie i knew this was something different.
Im damn sure that by now everyone must have heard about the performance that Late Heath Ledger has done in this movie.
You can clearly see the kind of effort that Ledger has put into his character, Joker.
Never in my wildest dream did i think that i would be comparing a Superhero movie to the likes of "The Godfather" and "The Lord of the Rings" , which according to me are the 2 Best Films of our time!
But surprisingly & gladly "Dark Knight" has surely equaled them in all respect, be it acting,story,screenplay,music or the technical aspects.
This movie is without doubt an outstanding CINEMATIC Xperience !
Ledger who lost out an Oscar for "Brokeback Mountain" will surely win the Prestigious Statue this time.
It's tough to imagine that we wont be seeing anymore of this truly gifted actor who gave amazing performances in movies like "Casanova","Brokeback Mountain","Brothers Grimm","10 Things I Hate about you" and many others.
Ledger has without doubt out-performed Anthony Hopkins’s act as Hannibal Lecter and has taken over the mantel of being the Greatest Villain Of All Time !!
There is one other guy who has surprised me in " Dark Knight".
The guy im talking about gave a superlative performance 'off the screen', im talking bout Christopher Nolan (Director, Producer & Co-Writer).
Nolan has finally made his " I Will Be Remembered For This " Movie.
Expectations will be sky high for his next movie.
This movie sure has some memorable dialogues like the already famous " Why So serious?" , "If you're good at something, never do it for free " , "The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!" & many more.
I recommend you watch it as many as times as possible. Watch it for Ledger's Unbelievable performance, Hans Zimmer & James Howard's Haunting Scores , great story and for some amazing direction by Mr. Nolan.
Rating : 5/5
Verdict : Even if you hate Batman , you will love this movie !
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